Frequently asked questions


Technically, you don’t need Bluetooth until you want to make your finder beep—as long as it is within your phone’s Bluetooth range. However, you can’t track it that way if it’s out of range. finder is not itself GPS-enabled. If you want the app to remember where and when your finder was last connected, your phone’s Bluetooth and location services must be permanently on. When your finder disconnects, you can then check in the app where it happened and trace your way back there.

If you want to use the app to locate the finder only from time to time, this is possible. If you want to stay connected to the finder and save your current location, the app must be running continuously and Bluetooth must be enabled.

Insert a new battery. If the new battery still drains fast, your finder might be defective. This may also be the case if the battery dies fast when you just bought your finder. Please get in touch with us and we’ll sort you out asap.

Yes, you can use the app without an account, and the data of the musegear app will be saved as part of your operating system backup. When you import the backup on your new device, all settings and connected finders will also be restored in the musegear app. It is as simple as that.

Unlike Apple's Siri, which is supported by the musegear finder app, there is no integration of Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant.

The reason is that Amazon and Google require an integration into the musegear app. This would make account-free use impossible - Amazon and Google would be able to collect data while using the app, which would be incompatible with our 100% focus on privacy.

Yes, VoiceOver is supported for iOS users.

Please note that a charging adapter with max. 5V-1A output is used for charging the finder recharge to protect the finder from overheating.

If the charging cable is connected to the adapter without the finder being attached, the LED flashes red.

When charging, the LED lights up red continuously

When the finder is fully charged, the red LED turns off. 


You don’t actually need a code to do that. Make sure to pair your finder via the app, not via your phone’s Bluetooth settings. Activate Bluetooth and open the app, then simply follow the instructions in the app.

Yep, it does. It may take a small moment though, depending on your phone model and operating system.

This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • Is your phone also connected with another Bluetooth device, e.g. a Bluetooth speaker? This can cause the Bluetooth connection to become spotty and occasionally drop out.
  • Try disconnecting the other Bluetooth device and check if the issue persists.
  • With some phone models, phone calls can interfere with the Bluetooth connection. Disable the ‘make finder ring’ function in the app settings when you make a phone call.
  • Crowded spaces are also crowded with Bluetooth or Wi-Fi devices that can interfere with the Bluetooth signal of your phone.

This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • If you are indoors, the signal may have to go through walls, doors, furniture, etc., all of which weaken the signal and can bring the range down to under 15 m (50 ft).
  • There may be other wireless signals interfering with your device, e.g. in shopping malls or exhibition spaces. The sheer number of Bluetooth and Wi-Fi devices in your current environment can reduce the Bluetooth range of your phone.

Our finders use Bluetooth LE. This technology is designed to connect to your smartphone with minimal energy consumption. Accordingly, the radiation is well below the limits recommended by public authorities. Find out more here (Our finders work in Bluetooth radiation class 2).

In principle, you can link several finders with the app. In practice, however, reliable operation depends on the smartphone in use and other connected Bluetooth devices. Our experience shows that stable operation is guaranteed with 5-7 finders. But you can test yourself what works best for you. For this reason, there is no limit in the app.

Alarm and beep

Depending on your finder model, press and hold finder’s button for 3 seconds or ‘double-click’ it quickly. This will make your phone ring, even when it’s on silent.

You can be notified via app if the connection to the finder is lost. For technical reasons (iOS/Android restrictions), notification via the finder is not possible reliably. Therefore we have not implemented it. However, we follow the operating system updates of the manufacturers closely and hope to offer this feature in the future.

Die Benachrichtigung über den finder ist aus technischen Gründen (Einschränkungen bei iOS/Android) leider nicht zuverlässig möglich. Daher haben wir auf deren Implementierung verzichtet.

Wir verfolgen die Betriebssystem-Updates der Hersteller jedoch aufmerksam und hoffen, dieses Feature künftig anbieten zu können.

This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • ‘Phone alarm’ may be disabled. Go to the app settings and activate it.
  • The app may be in sleep mode. Go to the app settings and disable sleep mode or adjust the sleep times.
  • iPhone: Your phone may be set to ‘do not disturb’. End ‘do not disturb’ and try again.

Nope, sorry. You can’t change the volume or ringtone of your finder.

Ja, sobald Dein Smartphone auf stumm gestellt ist oder sich im Vibrationsmodus befindet, ertönt auch der Alarm in der App nur als Vibration.

Track and find

finder does not have its own GPS module. GPS-enabled devices usually require a SIM card to transmit position data. Such devices are bigger, heavier, and more expensive than musegear finder, and also incur running charges for the SIM card in addition to the cost of the device. finder connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth; you’ll have to be within Bluetooth range to make it beep. When you lose your finder, you can check in the app where it was last connected. The app uses your phone’s GPS to pin your finder on the map. Simply return to the location indicated on the map. You can then use the app to pinpoint your lost finder.

This can happen for a number of reasons:

  • The app may not be able to see location data. Go to your phone settings and allow the finder app to access your phone’s location.
  • Are you inside a building? GPS is not available indoors. In this case, your phone’s location services fall back on Wi-Fi or the cellular network, which are less precise than GPS. The app taps into your phone’s GPS to track your finder’s position. If GPS is not available, your phone resorts to Wi-Fi or the cellular network. Location service priority and accuracy: GPS (up to 10 – 50 m / 10 – 165 ft), Wi-Fi (up to 100 - 200 m / 330 – 650 ft), cellular network (up to hundreds of meters / over 1000 ft). That’s why the indicated location may not be very exact.
  • Are you outside? Then high buildings or rooftops may block the GPS signal, making location services less precise.

Es ist leider so, dass die Rechtestruktur von Android einen allgemeinen GPS Zugriff erforderlich macht (außer bei Handys mit Android 12 oder höher). 
Dies ist bei jedem Handytyp unterschiedlich, so dass man kein einheitliches System verwenden kann, dass GPS nicht erfordert und wir uns somit für diese Variante entscheiden mussten, damit bei allen Handys auch die Bluetooth-Verbindung funktioniert. 

Bei Handy mit Android 12 benötigt man nur zur Anmeldung GPS und könnte es danach deaktivieren (allerdings wird dann beim Trennen der Bluetooth-Verbindung kein Standort gespeichert)

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Then have a look at the instruction manual.

Do you have a question regarding our terms of shipping or warranty? Then have a look here: 

› Shipping and Payment

› Warranty and Returns

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